Hifzil Kirmi, Muhammad Masyhuri




Kegiatan penambangan batu bara PT Berau Coal site Lati menggunakan teknik open pit mining yang mana salah satu pengaruh negatif dari kegiatan operasional yakni potensi terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan meliputi pencemaran air karena terjadi erosi dan sedimentasi sungai dan juga terbentuknya areal revegetasi dengan tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Untuk mengurangi dampak negatif salah satunya dengan penanaman mengguankan teknologi hydroseeding. Metode yang digunakan adalah penilaian keberhasilan covering covercrop hydroseeding dengan ground cover assassment, pendugaan laju erosi dengan USLE dan analisa kesuburan tanah kandungan pH dan C/N rasio. Hasil penelitian menunjukan areal revegetasi yang belum ditumbuhi covercrop mempunyai laju erosi sangat tinggi dan kesuburan tanah yang rendah, sedangkan pada areal yang sudah ditanamai covercrop dengan teknologi hydroseeding mempunyai tingkat laju erosi rendah dan kesuburan tanah yang senderung meningkat serta keberhasilan penutupan covercrop yang tinggi pada lahan marginal.


Kata kunci : hydroseeding, lahan marginal, erosi, tanah





PT Berau Coal site Lati coal mining activities use open pit mining technique, which is one of the negative effects of operational activities, namely the potential for environmental pollution including water pollution due to erosion and sedimentation of the river and also the formation of revegetation areas with low fertility. To reduce the negative impacts, one of them is by planting using hydroseeding technology. The method used is an assessment of the success of covering cover crop hydroseeding with ground cover assassment, estimating the rate of erosion with USLE and analyzing soil fertility with pH and C / N ratio. The results showed revegetation areas that have not been covered with covercrop have very high erosion rates and low soil fertility, whereas in areas that have been planted with covercrop with hydroseeding technology have low erosion rates and soil fertility which is inclined to increase and the success of covercrop cover is high on land marginal.


Keywords: hydroseeding, marginal land, erosion, soil

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