Dalam bisnis proses penambangan batubara dengan metode penambangan Open Pit Mining, dewatering menjadi salah satu kunci sukses keberhasilan operasional penambangan. Oleh karena itu proses perencanaan, eksekusi, monitoring dan evaluasi dewatering wajib dilaksanakan dengan baik. Sebagai salah satu aktivitas kritikal, dewatering memerlukan proses monitoring yang baik untuk mencapai Excellence Dewatering dan cost dewatering yang efisien. Terlebih di era digital seperti saat ini, proses monitoring dewatering yang real time, cepat, akurat, komprehensif dan terintegrasi mutlak diperlukan. Digitalisasi monitoring dewatering dengan “Integrated Dewatering System” (IDS) menjadi solusi atas challenge untuk monitoring dewatering yang excellence. Integrated Dewatering System (IDS) : Suatu sistem Dewatering yang terintegrasi dalam pengumpulan, pengolahan & penyajian data secara real time sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar analisa & pengambilan keputusan yang cepat & tepat guna mewujudkan tambang No Flood dengan Cost Dewatering yang efisien. Cakupan area monitoring IDS meliputi : curah hujan, sump, pompa. Hardware IDS yaitu : Weather Station alat untuk mengukur curah hujan, durasi hujan, frekuensi hujan secara real time; 2) Automatic Flowmeter alat untuk mengukur debit pompa secara otomatis dan real time; 3) Automatic Water Level alat untuk mengukur elevasi sump (area tampungan air di pit), sehingga elevasi sump dapat dimonitor secara real time. Secara umum proses monitoring Dewatering dengan IDS adalah sebagai berikut : weather station mengukur curah hujan (mm), durasi hujan (menit), frekuensi hujan, data curah hujan kemudian dilakukan proses perhitungan untuk menghitung volume run off yang masuk ke tambang, air yang masuk ke dalam sump secara berkesinambungan dipompa, debit pemompaan diukur dengan menggunakan automatic flowmeter, selanjutnya automatic water level mengukur elevasi sump, kemudian sistem akan mengolah data-data output dalam software IDS yang kemudian menyampaikan Alert melalui media mobile phone informasi status sump sebagai Early Warning untuk memberikan “guidance corrective action” terhadap kondisi dewatering yang terjadi. Manfaat dari IDS yaitu : 1) Proses monitoring curah hujan, debit pompa dan elevasi air lebih cepat, mudah; 2) Data monitoring Dewatering akurat dan terintegrasi; 3) Memberikan Early Warning terhadap status sump sehingga corrective action yang tepat dan cepat dapat segera dilaksanakan; 4) Mencegah tambang Flood dengan corrective action yang cepat, 5) Meningkatkan aspek Safety karena high risk activity berkurang; 6) Cost dewatering efisien dengan operasional pompa (debit, Rotary Per Minutes, Utilization Availability) yang optimum.
Kata kunci : IDS, weather station, automatic flowmeter, automatic water level
In the business of coal mining using the Open Pit Mining method, dewatering is one of the keys to the success of mining operations. Therefore the process of planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of dewatering must be carried out properly. As one of the critical activities, dewatering requires a good monitoring process to achieve Excellence Dewatering and cost-efficient dewatering. Especially in the digital era as it is today, real-time, fast, accurate, comprehensive and integrated dewatering monitoring process is absolutely necessary. The digitization of dewatering monitoring with the "Integrated Dewatering System" (IDS) is the solution to the challenge for excellence dewatering monitoring. Integrated Dewatering System (IDS): A Dewatering system that is integrated in the collection, processing & presentation of data in real time so that it can be used as a basis for analysis & decision making that is fast & precise in order to realize the No Flood mine with an efficient Cost Dewatering. The scope of the IDS monitoring area includes: rainfall, sumps, pumps. IDS hardware namely: 1) Weather Station tool to measure rainfall, duration of rain, frequency of rain in a Manner real time; 2) Automatic Flowmeter tool to measure pump flow automatically and in real time; 3) Automatic Water Level tool to measure the elevation of the sump (water catchment area in the pit), so that the sump elevation can be monitored in real time. In general the Dewatering monitoring process with IDS is as follows: weather station measures rainfall (mm), duration of rain (minutes), frequency of rainfall, rainfall data then the calculation process is carried out to calculate the volume of run-off entering the mine, water entering in a sump continuously pumped, pumping discharge is measured using automatic flowmeter, then automatic water level measures the elevation of the sump, then the system will process the output data in the IDS software which then conveys the "Alert" through the mobile phone media sump status information as an Early Warning for provide "guidance corrective action" for conditions of dewatering that occur. Benefits of IDS are: 1) The process of monitoring rainfall, pump discharge and water elevation is faster, easier; 2) Dewatering monitoring data is accurate and integrated; 3) Give an Early Warning on the status of the sump so that corrective action is appropriate and quickly can be implemented immediately; 4) Prevent Flood mining with fast corrective action; 5) Improve the Safety aspect because of the reduced high risk activity; 6) Cost-efficient dewatering with pump operations (discharge, Rotary Per Minutes,Utilization Availability) is optimum.
Keywords: IDS, weather station, automatic flow meter, automatic water level
Full Text:
Rinaldi, Aris,. November 2016. Hydrogeological Decision Analysis : Sump Optimization at an Open Pit Mine:Bandung.
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