Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) kelayakan metode through seam blast untuk diimplementasikan pada area interburden dan batubara tipis dengan multi-seam. (2) Pengaruh terhadap peningkatan produktivitas, percepatan sekuen penambangan, kualitas batubara, dan konservasi batubara tipis. Dalam penelitian ini penulis bersama team yang yang dibentuk (terdiri dari pihak PT. Berau Coal site BMO 2, PT. Pamapersada Site BRCB, dan PT. DNX Site BMO 2) melakukan perencanaan menggunakan siklus plan, do, check, action (PDCA) terkait metode through seam blast dimana plan didukung dengan pendekatan konsep specipic, measurable, achievable, realistic dan timely (SMART). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan empat kali trial through seam blast. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : 1) Metode Through Seam Blast memungkinkan diimplementasikan di Pit C1 Blok 8 BMO 2 PT Berau Coal. (2) Terjadi peningkatan produktivitas alat gali muat sebesar 35 bcm/jam pada kelas PC-1200, mengurangi frekuensi blasting dari 2-3 kali menjadi 1 kali pada luasan area yang sama, adanya deviasi ash batubara tertambang (terhadap as batubara insitu) yang masih masuk dalam toleransi sebesar 2.75%, mine recovery tetap terjadi ≥98%.
Kata kunci: through seam blast, produktivitas alat gali muat, frekuensi blasting, kualitas batubara, mine recovery
The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the feasibility of the through seam blast method to be implemented in inter burden areas and thin coal with multi-seam. (2) Effects on increasing productivity, acceleration of mining sequences, coal quality, and conservation of thin coal. In this study the authors together with the team formed (consisting of PT. Berau Coal site BMO 2, PT. Pamapersada Site BRCB, and PT. DNX Site BMO 2) do the planning using the related cycle plan, do, check, action (PDCA) a through seam blast method where the plan is supported by a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) concept approach. Data collection was carried out by conducting four trial through seam blasts. The results showed that: 1) Through Seam Blast method is possible to be implemented in Pit C1 Block 8 BMO 2 PT Berau Coal. (2) An increase in the productivity of the loading and unloading tool by 35 bcm / hour in PC-1200 class, reducing the frequency of blasting from 2-3 times to 1 time in the same area, the deviation of mined coal ash (against the coal as in situ) still within tolerance of 2.75%, mine recovery still occurs ≥98%.
Keywords: through seam blast, digger productivity, blasting frequency, coal quality, mine recovery
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Gambaran umum mengenai Through Seam Blasting, diperoleh dari situs internet: Diunduh pada tanggal 7 September 2019.
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