Pit C1 Blok 8 Site Binungan Mine Operation Area 2 PT Berau Coal merupakan salah satu area operasional penambangan batubara dengan karakteristik multi-seam, kemiringan lapisan batubara pada interval 12 – 20 derajat, ketebalan lapisan batubara pada interval 0.5 – 7.5 meter, dan variasi ketebalan interburden pada interval 3 – 300 meter. Karakteristik endapan batubara menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam pembentukan disain penambangan batubara yang dikolaborasikan dengan disiplin ilmu lain diantaranya geoteknik, hidrologi, safety and environment, dan aspek – aspek lainnya.
Geoteknik monitoring and controlling merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam menjaga kestabilan lereng selama proses pembentukan desain sampai desain tambang terbentuk. Salah satu komitmen PT Berau Coal dalam meningkatkan awareness terhadap isu kestabilan lereng adalah dengan digunaknnya Slope Stability Radar untuk membantu Geoteknik monitoring and controlling secara real time.
Salah satu value yang dipegang oleh PT Berau Coal yakni continuous improvement. Didorong oleh semangat dari value tersebut, PT Berau Coal melakukan kajian dan implementasi terkait kemungkinan unit slope stability radar dapat mendukung optimasi penambangan batubara pada area-area final disain. Tujuan improvement ini adalah untuk melakukan optimasi penambangan batubara pada area final dengan menggunakan tambahan kontrol slope stability radar. Area final yang dimaksud spesifik terletak pada blok 85-81 (arah barat-timur) di Pit C1 Blok 8 Site Binungan Mine Operation Area 2 PT Berau Coal. Dalam penelitian ini penulis bersama team yang yang dibentuk (terdiri dari department Mine Planning, Mine Operation, Geoteknik dan Hidrologi) melakukan perencanaan menggunakan siklus plan, do, check, action (PDCA) terkait kelayakan optimasi penambangan batubara menggunakan kontrol slope stability radar dari segi geoteknik, standar operasinal penambangan batubara, dan sistem tanggap darurat. Tahapan optimasi dilakukan dari arah barat (blok besar) menuju timur (blok kecil) dengan support man power yang kompeten dan kontrol dari alat slope stability radar. Hasil improvement ini menunjukan bahwa Optimasi penambangan batubara menggunakan kontrol slope stability radar memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap capaian produksi batubara sebesar 123.204 ton pada SR 6.56.
Kata kunci: optimasi penambangan batubara, slope stability radar, sistem tanggap darurat.
Pit C1 Block 8 Site Binungan Mine Operation Area 2 is one of the operational areas of coal mining with multi-seam characteristics, the slope of the coal seam at intervals of 12-20 degrees, the thickness of the coal seam at intervals of 0.5 - 7.5 meters, and variations in interburden thickness at intervals of 3 - 300 meters. The characteristics of coal deposits become one of the considerations in the formation of coal mining designs in collaboration with other scientific disciplines including geotechnical, hydrological, safety and environment, and other aspects.
Geotechnical monitoring and controlling is one of the important aspects in maintaining the stability of slopes during the design formation process until the mine design is formed. One of PT Berau Coal's commitments in increasing awareness of the issue of slope stability is the use of the Slope Stability Radar to assist in monitoring and controlling geotechnics in real time.
One of the values held by PT Berau Coal is continuous improvement. Encouraged by the spirit of this value, PT Berau Coal conducted a study and implementation related to the possibility that the slope stability radar unit could support the optimization of coal mining in the final design areas. The aim of this improvement is to optimize coal mining in the final area by using additional control of the slope stability radar. The specific final area is located in block 85-81 (west-east direction) in Pit C1 Block 8 PT Berau Coal Mine Operation Area 2 Site. In this study the authors and the team formed (consisting of the Mine Planning, Mine Operation, Geotechnical and Hydrology departments) plan using a cycle plan, do, check, action (PDCA) related to the feasibility of optimizing coal mining using slope stability radar control in terms of geotechnical engineering, coal mining operations standards, and emergency response systems. The optimization stage is carried out from the west (large block) to the east (small block) with competent support of man power and control of the slope stability radar. The results of this improvement show that optimization of coal mining using the slope stability radar control contributes positively to the achievement of coal production of 123,204 tons at SR 6.56.
Keywords: coal mining optimization, slope stability radar, emergency response system.
Full Text:
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